If you are a website owner, a problem might always surface and it does not necessarily have to be associated with the hosting service. For instance, something could go wrong when you bring a web-based app up to date or some critical data can be edited or deleted accidentally. Irrespective of what the essence of the problem may be, you’ll need to get in touch with the respective help desk staff and ask them to retrieve a backup or to assist you in solving the problem that you’re facing. How fast they’ll do this will predetermine the time that your sites will be inaccessible. For specific websites such as community websites or Internet shops, a frequent inaccessibility can often mean losing users and money. Having said that, it’s quite important for you to use the services of a hosting company that offers not only a good customer support service, but also a prompt one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Website Hosting

In case you are using any of our Linux website hosting packages and you have an inquiry or experience a certain difficulty, you can contact us 24/7/365 by opening a customer support ticket or by writing an email and we promise that you’ll receive an answer in no more than 60 minutes. In case the issue can be sorted out, we’ll do it before we respond to you, while if there’s something that you have to do on your end, we’ll supply you with all the needed information – what settings to check, what workable solutions to try out, and so on. Normally, you’ll receive a response within no more than 30 minutes, so waiting around for hours on end or even for more than one day to get assistance is something impossible. Our sixty-minute reply time guarantee is valid for any enquiry that you might have – technical, billing or general.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our help desk staff members are available all the time and they’ll respond to any trouble ticket that you open through our hosting Control Panel within no more than 60 minutes. The response time is guaranteed regardless of whether you’ve got a general enquiry connected with your semi-dedicated server or you confront an obstacle and for most issues you won’t have to wait even that long. Regardless of what the essence of the issue is or what time of day or night it is, we’ll be there to lend you a helping hand, as we’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take care of any general, billing or technical issue. If you contact us about anything that is within our capacity, we’ll solve it before we respond, so you will not have to wait for hours or even days while the problem continues. If there’s something that you need to do on your end, we’ll supply you with the necessary information – what workable solutions to try out, what actions to take, etc.